Posts Tagged ‘Games Workshop’

Just a small update from the “feeding edge” of the Anphelion Splinter Hive Fleet.  Today we have a selection of elites, fast attack, and heavies.

The Raveners here are the old school originals.  Also of the old school variety is a pair of Tyrant Guard.

In the newer but still old category are a squad of Tyrant Guard and Hive Guard.  I wanted to avoid that “carbon copy” effect caused by GW making only one body style for a model.  So, I took a body from each version and just swapped out the arms from the other.  However, due to the pose on the hunched over Tyrant Guard body, the support arm for the gun would not reach.  A quick dip into the bits box for a plastic heavy weapon arm provided a nice alternative.

For the last part of this update we have some real heavies.  First is the plastic Mawloc that everyone loves so much.  Still a great model.  Next we have the original Tyranid Tyrgon made by Forge World for the launch of Imperial Armor 4: The Anphelion Project.  The modern plastic kit is based on this fantastic piece but does not do it justice.  The model has so much more detail and character than the plastic kit that I knew instinctively (heh heh) that it would become the Trygon Prime for my fleet.

To see the current state of the Anphelion Splinter Fleet or to get more information on it, please click on over to the project page.

Thanks again for the kind comments and feedback.

This post is for an old project done back when the Games Workshop Outrider Program was still around (oh were those the days).  Not all of these are finished.  But, I thought you might like to see what we were up to.

Outrider Marines commander with veteran squad 01 small

Outrider Marines commander with veteran squad


As a group, the Outriders had selected a color scheme, iconography, and founding chapter to build upon.  The goal was to get members to put together their own forces during the year and then bring them to Games Day for a massive show of enthusiastic hobby support (and overwhelming force).  Unfortunately, before the year was out, Games Workshop decided to redo the program.  The ensuing chaos quickly led to the demise of not just the Outrider Marine Project but the volunteer game promoter program entirely.

I am glad to say that he friendships forged over the years while travelling the country to roll dice and spread the word are still strong and most of us still look fondly on those halcyon days.  When time, gas money, and real life align, getting together at a convention is cause for celebration, reminiscing, and revisiting of old tabletop rivalries.  I hope that your hobby experience lets you forge new friendships.  Our hobby shouldn’t be just about ticks in the win/loss columns.

Without further pontification, a few bits and bobs from my small selection of “Outrider” Space Marines.



Today I uploaded a large number of pictures of Tyranids for my Anphelion-themed splinter fleet.  Some of these are minis that I finally gotten around to taking pictures of.  Others are new additions to the swarm.  Below is a taste.  Be sure to check out the Anphelion Splinter Fleet home page for a complete up-to-date look.


I built, converted, and painted a rather large Chaos force for Jake S. here in Florida.  Here are a few work-in-progress photos.  The whole underway project is in the WiP section.  There are plenty of ideas and tips to check out.  I’ll have photos of the finished army up in a gallery page soon.  Stay tuned.


All Rise! The Necrons Have Returned..

Sometimes your gaming life takes a strange turn.  When the first real Necron Codex was released, a local FLGS had me paint up their preview Battleforce box to showcase the new models.  They were still trying to get the gaming community in the area jump-started so I did the job in exchange for the minis after 90-days of showing.  It was exciting to see…

Necrons on Cityfight Table

Necrons on Cityfight Table

via All Rise! The Necrons Have Returned..

So, just finished up another project for my Friend Jake. Here are 10 Sword Brethren for his ever-growing Black Templars crusade. Models include 2 each of squad leader, heavy flamer, combi-meltas, and then 4 armed with grav guns. As a bonus, there is a dual grav-pistol wielding veteran sergeant to put elsewhere in his force.  I feel he put a lot of thought into the posing and decorating of each so they were a lot of fun to paint.  Anyway, below are the squad shots.  You can check out closer shots of each model as well as some of the other Black Templar pieces I have done for him by going here.  As always, feel free to comment, like and or share.

Black Templar's Sword Brethren 01 front

Black Templar's Sword Brethren 01 Rear

Black Templar's Sword Brethren 02 front

More of this Black Templars crusade  here.

A couple of years ago I started experimenting with some new painting techniques that I hoped would speed up my painting of horde armies. I first tried on some Chaos Space Marines and then moved on to Orks. I liked the results and even did a couple army commissions using the technique (check the Tau, Lizardmen and Chaos Marine pages to see how they turned out).

Unfortunately, the method did not translate to my beloved Kraken Tyranids. Add to that the fact that almost all of Kraken had been painted during a month-long stay in the hospital, I figured that it might be time to reboot the army. Luckily for me, I had just acquired my autographed copy of Forge World’s Anphelion Project book. I liked the olive and bone look of these swamp-spawned monstrosities. I also like the idea that an Imperial Inquisitor’s pet project had gone awry and unleashed fresh horrors on the galaxy. So, I undertook to paint some of the unfinished bugs in my collection in the new scheme and with the new technique. I really liked the result and put some WiP and tutorial pics up on Warseer after the effort. Unfortunately, after the initial burst of enthusiasm, I drifted off into other projects and well… you can guess the rest. Here they are.

Fast forward a half-dozen years and BEHOLD! A new Tyranid codex is upon us. I know that the reviews are mixed and haters abound, but I find myself succumbing to the siren call of the hive mind once again. So today I am posting a picture of the models from years ago that will form the core of the new army. I am also creating a new page to post each unit as it is completed.

Anphelion Fleet - starting point

Warhammer 40k Battlefleet Gothic Tyranid Fleet 01

I know that there isn’t an playable list represented here (except for the Battlefleet Gothic Ships). The coming weeks will see my filling in the gaps and bolstering the army greatly. Once I get the codex I’ll be able to decide where to spend my money on reinforcements. For now, I know that I need more Termagants, Hormagaunts, Devourer Gaunts, and Gargoyles. Luckily for me, the closet-of-devouring holds many unpainted bio-monstrosities to start work on. I’ll keep you posted. You’ll need the head start if you hope to escape.

It has come time to say goodbye to an old favorite army of mine.  This Hivefleet Kraken Tyranid Army has served me quite well over the years.  It has carried me to many Rogue Trader Tournament victories, several army painting awards, and even 2nd place Overall at the 2004 Atlanta Grand Tournament.

Many of the models are converted or sport pieces of Tau armor on their bases (Tau are their favorite blue food).  The army display tray has sculpted alien terrain and resin effects.  Every model is completely painted and based, right down to the eyes.  Included in the force are:

  • Hive Tyrant
  • Converted Flying Hive Tyrant
  • 4 Warriors
  • Lictor
  • 30 Hormagaunts
  • 22 Gaunts
  • 16 Genestealers
  • 5 Ripper Swarms
  • 8 Gargoyles
  • 9 Spore Mines
  • Zoenthrope
  • Carnifex
  • Forge World Scythed Hierodule
  • 4 Objective Markers
  • 4 Custom Defense Lines
  • Army Display Board themed to match

At one time, there were even more pieces.  What you see here is the core of the force after some pieces found their way into the digestion pools for repurposing.  I hope that you enjoy these bugs the way I have.  They are now up on Ebay and waiting for their next meal… er… home.

You can see some older pictures of the army before it was updated for the last Codex here.

Today I decided to highlight one of the centerpieces of my ever-expanding Bad Moon Ork horde – the Skull Hammer.  Built from an Imperial Guard Baneblade, Ork Stompa, Lehman Russ, Sanctum Imperialis and random bits from various Ork kits, Necromunda, Gorka Morka, and my plasticard stash.  Take a minute and check out even more pictures here.

Bad Moon Ork Skull Hammer 07

I just delivered a Forge World Void Dragon Phoenix to its new owner (JY).  I’ve kept track of the process in the Work-in-Progress section.  Check out this link for a review of the kit and a how-to on completing the fiddly bits.

Dark Eldar Void Dragon Phoenix 15


NOTE:  The customer only wanted me to trim, clean, pin, prep, and prime the model.  When he gets it painted I’ll see about posting some pics of the finished work.