Fort Ork – Where Da Big Uns Play

Posted: July 30, 2012 in Galleries
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Well, this past weekend I took a short break from working on the titan to drop by our local FLGS.  There was a Flames of War tournament going on with a dozen or so players.  Some of these folks drove 3 hours to play so I stop by to catch up and check out the armies and terrain.

The inventiveness of gamers never ceases to amaze me.  Different materials, varied techniques, always looking out for ideas and inspiration.  Like lightning – you never know where it will strike next.  I wound up staying through one of the breaks and we got to discussing themed tables.  How you can use a few key pieces that tie together for an immersive gaming experience was a recurring theme.

The Ork Fort and village terrain that I built for a client stationed in Afghanistan came up.  It was pretty much unanimous that using the same design elements (shapes, colors, materials) throughout are key to getting the theme set.  Check out “Fort Ork” and see if you agree.


Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, or questions.